Kembali selepas ini..Haha!
Before we reached the place we eat..
we played treasure hunt in the hotel! xD
Not hunting for treasure O.o?
Hunting for...? ^^ Place to eat... Hehehe..
Found it!!!!! But my group is not the first one >.< Siaran kembali..Keke!
Wherever you go..there will always be speeches..
but this time ^^ not that long ;P
Ting!Ting!Ting! Speechspeech time ^^
never thought you would buy that~ ;)
The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye.. xD
I'm already so brother and sister still go jusco =.=
They walked so fast..My leg so pain ~.~ so tired..Arghhh!!!
Then they went to buy hotdog,mushroom,brocolli..
i was wondering..Why!!??? O.o
I'm so blur @.@ so tired >_> nobody seems to be telling me..
In the end, i know..
Tomorrow night, my sister, her bf, my brother, and my sister's godsis
Not to forget..Me! Going to cooked spagetti again... =.=
And i.....Will be the lampost for two..couple?Nah..Haha!Blah!Dunno lah..
Oh God!!! Help me!!! I duwan to stay at home!!! xD
Ahh..Then at last..i decided to be the photographer for that time XP
---->pictures will be uploaded later<----
P.S---->Photos unavailable..Keke!Coz i didnt take =.= Very kekok..Haha!
Ur brother with hsu leng?
Noooo =.=
I saw me...=.=Must you take me from the back...
Hahaha! sorry ler..didnt realise that time >.< i upload time only i realise..
wah food...din cook 4 me..xd
cook? =.= go hotel beach paradise..Dunno what what what..? xD go there eat XP
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