The last day was...
4 days ago =.=
which was Tuesday for the Form4s
It took me days to post this coz..
Many things happen..BusyBusy!SickSick!LazyLazy!
Now that i'm a little free ;) and I'm Healthy! =D
On 11/11/2008
YoongHui call me to bring my camera
one of the reasons...?
Pictures took by my camera are..nice?Haha!
'my dad's actually =.='
Thats what she said last time..
Here are afew crazy pictures...
She has crazy eyes with different colours and three pairs of ears!Haha!Pretty Woman walking down the street...
Another daydreamer =P
So many DayDreamers in my class..*faint*
Okay..This is..DaySleeping ady..Haha!No more DayDreamers!
My camera was on that time..
Actually i was not sure what MSM was trying to do..
Just heard laughter from the class..especially Suba's xD
Then I knew that she would do something entertaining ^^
She always does make ppl happy :)
[Take 1]
'Trying' to act...? Dont know..what i know is..MISSION FAILEd YoongHui trying to act as Nadia's husband...Haha!Does it look like? ^^
[Take 1] Dv does that..we are too free!
What to do..? xD [Take 2]*speechless*
They took it off =.= 'who are 'they?'
they fahamfaham la! xP
Siapa makan cili dia rasa pedas..Lolz!
Saw the motorcycle tyre?
That was a motor..just passby =.=
He elak the shoe~giggle and left~
then Mr.Lo called us in ~.~
All surround him to see physics marks..
To be Continue..
'sigh' i luv u guys....
Hahahaha Awww... I owiz saw my name in ur blog ==
eh y u use msm name huh??dat name oni i can use k???
Eh!You also call me squeaky ma!Only MSM can use k? Why cant i use MSM? Keke!
because dat name i create wan...blekkk
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